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1Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Rudolphus Edwards Papers 
 Dates:  1794-1869 
 Subjects:  Edwards, Rudolphus, 1759-1840. | Court records -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Deeds -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. 
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2Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Bolton Papers 
 Dates:  1834-1870 
 Subjects:  Bolton, Thomas, 1809-1871. | Bolton and Kelley (law firm). | Deeds -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. | Ohio -- Politics and government. 
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3Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Samuel Williamson Papers 
 Dates:  1797-1886 
 Subjects:  Williamson, Samuel, 1808-1866. | Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Company. | Deeds -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. 
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