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1Institution:  Youngstown State UniversityRequires cookie*
 Title:  Youngstown State University Dana School of Music Records, 1897-1995 
 Dates:  1897-1995 
 Subjects:  Alumni records | Audiocassette tapes | Dana, Junius | Dana, Lynn B., Jr. | Dana, Lynn B., Sr. | Dana, William Henry | Dana's Musical Institute | Dana School of Music | Dehnbostel, Nellie Gwynne | Performance programs | Photographs | Reel-to-reel tapes | Student transcripts | Warren, OH | Youngstown College | Youngstown, OH | Youngstown State University | Youngstown University 
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2Institution:  Youngstown State UniversityRequires cookie*
 Title:  Staff and Faculty Papers, The John Turk Papers, 1865-2004 
 Dates:  1865-2004 
 Subjects:  Alumni records | Aurand, Charles | Bretz, George | Campbell, Robert | Cleve, Fanny | Dana School of Music | Dana, Charles Anderson | Dana, Junius | Dana, Lynn B., Jr. | Dana, Lynn B., Sr. | Dana, William Henry | Dana's Musical Institute | Dehnbostel, Nellie Gwynne | Dehnbostel, Raymond | Dolliver, Mark | Fankhauser, Mary | Hoffman, Arnold | Hopkins, Lois | Infante, Ralph A. | Johnson, A. N. | Kitchen, Kenneth | Miller, William | Myerovich, Alvin | Orr, Wendell | Performance programs | Photographs | Recital Programs | Stearns, Henry V. | Student transcripts | Warren, OH | White, Elmer R. | Wisler, Myron | Witt, Robert | Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A) | Youngstown College | Youngstown State University | Youngstown University | Youngstown, OH 
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