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'Dow Arnelle Ms' in subject Art education in subject [X]
Art and craft debate in subject [X]
Cincinnati Art Museum. in subject [X]
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Art and craft debate[X]
Art education[X]
Cincinnati Art Museum.[X]
Decorative arts (1)
Dow, Arnelle, Ms. (1)
Exhibitions (1)
Fiber (1)
Hand weaving (1)
The Craft Guild of Greater Cincinnati. (1)
University of Cincinnati. College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. (1)
Weaving (1)
1Institution:  Mary R. Schiff Library & Archives, Cincinnati Art MuseumRequires cookie*
 Title:  Beverly Semmens (b.1938-d.2010) Papers 
 Dates:  1945-2011, undated 
 Subjects:  Dow, Arnelle, Ms. | Cincinnati Art Museum. | The Craft Guild of Greater Cincinnati. | University of Cincinnati. College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. | Art and craft debate | Art education | Cincinnati artists | Decorative arts | Exhibitions | Fiber | Hand weaving | Weaving 
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