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'Gott Alice A 1894 1977' in subject Gott, Alice A., 1894-1977. in subject [X]
Gott, George H., 1898-1986. in subject [X]
Mayors--Ohio--Hudson--Records and correspondence. in subject [X]
Photographs. in subject [X]
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Gott, Alice A., 1894-1977.[X]
Gott, George H., 1898-1986.[X]
Mayors--Ohio--Hudson--Records and correspondence.[X]
Postcards. (1)
1Institution:  Hudson Library & Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  George H. and Alice A. Gott papers 
 Dates:  1877-1966 
 Subjects:  Gott, George H., 1898-1986. | Gott, Alice A., 1894-1977. | Mayors--Ohio--Hudson--Records and correspondence. | Postcards. | Photographs. 
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