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'Ohio History 1787 1865' in subject
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1Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Alfred Thomas Goodman Papers 
 Dates:  1868-1871 
 Subjects:  Goodman, Alfred Thomas, 1845-1871. | Ohio. Supreme Court -- Biography. | Harmar's Expedition, 1790. | St. Clair's Campaign, 1791. | Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1750-1815. | Indians of North America -- Northwest, Old. | Northwest, Old -- History -- 1775-1865. | Ohio -- History -- 1787-1865. | Ohio -- Governors -- Biography. | United States -- History -- 1783-1815. 
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2Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Leonard Case, Sr. Family Papers 
 Dates:  1795-1917 
 Subjects:  Case family. | Eckstein family. | Case, Leonard, 1786-1864. | Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Land titles -- Michigan. | Real property -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Real property -- Michigan. | Ohio -- History -- 1787-1865. | Ohio -- Maps. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Maps. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Maps. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Surveys. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Clinton County (Ill.) -- Surveys. 
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3Institution:  Marietta College LibraryRequires cookie*
 Title:  Melzar Nye Memoir 
 Dates:  1790-1872 
 Subjects:  Nye, Desire Sawyer, 1757-1800 | Nye, Ebenezer, 1750-1823 | Nye, George, 1782-1825 | Nye, Lewis, 1779-1814 | Nye, Melzar, 1785-1873 | Nye, Nathan, 1790-1856 | Nye, Nial, 1787-1841 | Nye, Theodorus, 1793-1832 | Pratt, Sarah Nye, 1777-1857 | Frontier and pioneer life - Ohio | Indians of North America - Wars - 1750-1815 | Marietta (Ohio) - History | Ohio - History - 1787-1865 | Washington County (Ohio) - History | United States - Description and travel 
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