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1Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Johns Bulkley Papers 
 Dates:  1886-1967 
 Subjects:  Bulkley, Robert Johns, 1880-1965. | Legislators -- United States -- Correspondence. | Prohibition -- United States. | Currency question -- United States. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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2Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Newton D. Baker Letters 
 Dates:  1891-1937 
 Subjects:  Johnson, Tom Loftin, 1854-1911. | Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937. | Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. | Baker family. | World War, 1914-1918. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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3Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Newton D. Baker Papers, Series II 
 Dates:  1896-1917 
 Subjects:  Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937. | League of Nations. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Sources. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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4Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Martin Leonard Sweeney Papers 
 Dates:  1931-1940 
 Subjects:  Sweeney, Martin Leonard, 1885-1960. | Lemke, William, 1878-1950. | Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979. | National Union for Social Justice. | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Legislators -- United States -- Miscellanea. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. 
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5Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Johns Bulkley Papers, Series II 
 Dates:  1890-1941 
 Subjects:  Bulkley, Robert Johns, 1880-1965. | United States. General Munitions Board. | Democratic Party (U.S.) | Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland -- History. | Hasty Pudding Club. | Legislators -- United States -- Correspondence. | Prohibition -- Ohio -- History -- Sources. | Presidential candidates -- United States. | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1932. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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6Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Daniel Edgar Morgan Papers 
 Dates:  1917-1949 
 Subjects:  Court records -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | City managers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Municipal government by city manager -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Elections -- Ohio. | Elections -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Elections -- United States. | Political campaigns -- Ohio. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | World War, 1939-1945 -- War work -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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7Institution:  Western Reserve Historical SocietyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Peter Witt Papers 
 Dates:  1888-1948 
 Subjects:  Witt, Peter, 1869-1948. | Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. | Lincoln Memorial Garden Commission. | Cleveland Railway Company. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Local transit -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Local transit -- New Jersey -- Newark. | Local transit -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | Street-railroads -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Subways -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953. 
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