Statement of Arrangement
This collection is arranged into five series. Series I: Correspondence consists of two subseries: Sawyer Family Correspondence and Stevens Family Correspondence. The Sawyer Family Correspondence
consists primarily of letters exchanged between Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sawyer (1888-1953), but also includes postcards from
around the world (1907-1918) and miscellaneous correspondence from other family members (1891-1926). The Stevens Family Correspondence
subseries includes miscellaneous correspondence (1911-1915), a biographical news clipping about Perry H. Stevens (1941), and
a relatively complete collection of letters from Perry and H. W. Stevens to their parents about their college and World War
I experiences (1913-1919). Series II: Travel Accounts contains several copies of a manuscript written by Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sawyer entitled "To and Thru Central and South
America," as well as manuscript pages and news articles written about the Sawyers' around-the-world trip. Series III: Photographs contains various types of photographs representing several generations of Sawyers. Sawyer and Voris family members are shown
in the majority of photographs, but friends, homes and group shots are also included. Most of the images do not include identification
of the subjects. There are also three groups of photographs representing the Sawyers' travels: around-the-world, to South
America and through the Panama Canal. Also included in this series are three cased daguerreotypes of family members, several
tintype photographs, photographic negatives, and three metal photographic plates (mounted on wood). This series also includes
a box of oversized materials: large photographs (two of William T. Sawyer, one of his grandfather's home, a picnic, and several
of Mrs. Sawyer's women's groups): certificates (degrees, memberships, honors) issued to various Sawyer family members.
Series IV: Sawyer Genealogy consists of letters concerning various members and branches of the family. Also included are patents for the Latex holding
company and material about Lucy Sawyer Stevens Honey Gold Make-up Company. Series V: Memorabilia includes material relating to Akron in the mid 1880's and the Buchtel College class of 1887.
Series I: Correspondence
Series II: Travel Accounts
Series III: Photographs
Series IV: Sawyer Genealogy
Series V: Memorabilia